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Chicken Maker
August 06, 2020

Post Demo

August 06, 2020

Assets for redesign

Site Assets
November 04, 2019

Stable Foundation

Sometimes it can feel like the whole world is falling apart around you, but as long as you have a stable foundation there's nothing to worry about.
November 04, 2019

Blue Ninja

This blue ninja is especially sneaky in the ocean.

Feeling... blue? Will everything be blue for the next week? I have no idea. Very maybe. Not sure why my monochrome is still always blue.
October 31, 2019

Spooky Walk

A spooky walk through a spooky graveyard for a couple of chicken friends. Truly an image worthy of the Halloween Spooktacular

I'd have more commentary, but just watch the video. It took me hours to do this, mainly because I wanted to look good on what is the first video I've properly done for Patreon, even though I've been at that level for a few month now... The video is sped up and I wanted to give a good commentary so let me know how I did.

October 31, 2019

Ghost in the Skillet

An old man pulled out a skillet, preparing for dinner. Heating some oil he dug in the refrigerator for some boneless skinless chicken breasts he had taken out to thaw a few days earlier. The man couldn't find them, and turned back to the stove, only to see the terrifying sight of a ghastly chicken forming over the skillet. In terror the man fled from his home.

The Halloween Spooktacular continues.
October 31, 2019

In Pumpkin

I considered spooky the top priority and what could cause more terror than opening your Jack-O-Lanterns to the terrifying visage of a waking bird.