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Chicken Maker
October 31, 2016

Slightly Halloween


Being black and orange makes something Halloween, right?

October 31, 2016


This is a delicious jack-o-lantern. I should have carved a better one, but... Wait no. I mean I should have carved an actual one. This is nothing but a humble art. I didn't carve anything of any quality.
October 31, 2016

Trick or Treat

An adorable group of Trick-or-Treaters. We've got uh... Batman, The Fourth Horseman and some sort of Steam-Punk Scarf fellow. Those are definitely accurate descriptions of these characters.
October 31, 2016

Ghost as Chicken

This is not a chicken, but it is trying it's best to pretend.

October 29, 2016

Halloween Promo

Sorry sorry. Been working on some Halloween posts and side things for the site, but I forgot to actually post things.
October 22, 2016

Facing Fire

A dramatic pose in the face of fire. What more could you possibly need? Took me a few tries to get that wing just right. Ah, this pic is a bit higher resolution than usual so click for the full sized version.
October 15, 2016

Fledgling Lordling

In this piece I chose to focus on strong shading. Then since I had a nice horizon I added a castle, then I figured the chicken may as well be a lord or a princess or something and gave him a medallion. These are offhand side details to the decisive shading though.

I'm still playing with video things. That's the main reason this exists. As per my last post I mean I could have tested the recording software by doing literally anything, but I figured I may as well draw a chicken while I was doing that.
October 15, 2016

Only a Test

This is only a test of my new Blogger to Tumblr re-post thing. I mean it's also actually a decent chicken. The low-high quality transition and all that. Or maybe it's in progress to complete? My in progress definitely doesn't look like that though. Wouldn't want my tests to be dull after all.
October 14, 2016

Stained Squares

I started working on this piece with this simple string of words.

"Hmm, let's do something specific now. Maybe a Robot. Yeah that's good. No wait, never mind. I think I'm going to do this now and be pseudo-artsy"

Those ones on the left are meant to be adorable chicks but it's a bit of a trick to discern that, so my apologies.
October 14, 2016

Loving Mother

D'aww. A loving mother on her motley nest. Such serene eyes. A pleasant pink comb, though I don't care for the shape.
October 14, 2016

Cool Shades

A bad boy is a must have. And it's about time I remake Shades McCoolguy some time. All good franchises need a failed reboot at some point so it's probably coming. Anyways this isn't that.
October 14, 2016


I started my failed video with this bog standard chicken. As I recall I mentioned such things as the fact that chickens don't actually have green or blue eyes, as I generally portray on this website. They tend to a Yellow-Orange-Brown spectrum.
October 14, 2016

Green Feather

Chicken Maker.
You have failed this website.

So, I went hard and made 5 things while recording my screen and blindly rambling. Unfortunately this ended with me getting a corrupted file so that was no good. So, 5 posts today  to make up for the slow start for the month.